Saturday, July 12, 2014

Take Action!

TAKE ACTION! Today I will start c25k and September 6 I will complete my first 5k! No more excuses no more fear! I am tired of being afraid. If I can sit on the couch for an hour I can train for 30 minutes. I made this decision two days ago but it has taken me this long to actually say anything because I was afraid to commit to it. I thought about doing it quietly that way I always had an out no one would ever know that I quit. No more living like that! I have exactly 8 weeks. But all that was said for this purpose, please help me be accountable.

Above is the Facebook post I shared with my boot camp family today. You see I need them to know what I'm doing because as I said if I did not tell them I always have an out.

Why would I need an out? Well in my life anxiety and depression can creep in sometimes and that equates to fear and when that happens I tend to give up, give in, or all out quit.  I'm tired of living like this I have missed countless opportunities because of this and no more.

How did all of this come about? Well in June of this year Gruver Fitness participated in the Double Creek 5K and I did not. Why, because I was afraid, afraid I couldn't do it. I was afraid to try I didn't even start the c25K program, then I fell farther and farther behind my comrades and I just gave up on the idea. Are you doing Double Creek I was asked countless times. No, and I made numerous excuses. Well I'm tired of the excuses.

But I digress, this new personal goal is all about taking action. It is a call to action from Boot camp fearless leader Jeremy Gruver. With his permission I will share this call with the rest of you who are not Boot campers in the near future.

I was scared of this call because it spoke directly to me. The changes that are coming in my life will change the way I live for the rest of my life. But like I tell my clients tomorrow is not guaranteed so one day at a time. But I'm going to live today like I'm going to see tomorrow.

Tonight I started C25K a program geared taking the couch potato and training them to take on a 5K race or 3.1 miles.(Just in case you don't remember your metric conversions). I have thought about starting C25K numerous times. Even told people I was going to start, but alas I never did. NO MORE, TAKE ACTION! So I did just that tonight. Even got the wife to do it too.

Maybe some of you out there are waiting for the right time to take action. Well my friends now is that time.  What is it you have been putting off until tomorrow? Out of fear, out of doubt, whatever the reason.  CARPE DIEM! TAKE ACTION. (carpe diem is Latin for seize the day) Stop living in pursuit of the future, live in pursuit of today! (I think that's original.)

Stay tuned as I continue to chronicle my journey to better health, better life, and a 5K. Think I'm crazy, some of my fellow boot campers have started training for a 1/2 marathon (13.1 miles). Best of luck to them. I believe in you all.

So I will prove this fat man can run. When I do, maybe I'll start a new blog, "Not so fat man, still running!"

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