Thursday, October 30, 2014


 I came into this journey thinking that my goal was to lose 100 pounds. This seems like a pretty solid and huge goal but I have found that for me it gets boring. I am finding out that I work best with smaller more attainable goals along the way to my big goals. I’m not sure why this wasn’t obvious to me I’ve been teaching it to people for the past several years. So I’ve been stuck in my weight loss journey for almost 2 months now. I’m stubborn and I’m not always the most ready to just follow directions before trying it my way. But all that said I am back on track now.

First thing I decided I needed to do was set some goals. I needed to set a goal that I knew I could reach with little to no trouble. Not to say it is insignificant but to say I have complete confidence in my ability to do so. 

Goal 1: I have a goal weight of 250 pounds by January 1.
  • To achieve I need to return to maintaining and monitoring my eating with a definite precision 2300 calories. By monitoring I mean logging my food. This can become kind of daunting at times but it works and not doing it doesn’t for me so,. Loseit© is my best pal again.
Next,  I needed a challenge. I returned to my fatmanrunning roots with this one. I need something that is going to push me out of my comfort zone, but that is realistic and attainable. Something I want something I have never done before.

Goal 2: Participate in and complete a relay marathon. Myrtle Beach Marathon (Relay) February 14th, 2015
  • Train for a 10k race. I’ll need to run between 4 and 6 miles with a team of four others.
  • Find four others who are crazy enough to do this with me. (Easy I’ve got a boot camp full of crazy runners)
  • Sign up! This is a must. If you’re like me you may procrastinate in order to give yourself a way to chicken out.

Disclaimer here: These are goals I decided I wanted to achieve however I needed assistance in determining time frames and realistic-ness. So for me I turned to my most trusted fitness guru and trainer Jeremy Gruver of Gruver Outdoor Fitness Boot Camp. When venturing into new territory its never a bad idea to check with someone who can help you determine the feasibility of the goal.

Nothing to exciting going on right now.

Stay tuned as I check in on my progress. And yes you heard it here I will achieve the seemingly impossible of losing weight through the holiday season.

One thing I am finding out is that inside this temporary body of a fat man lies the heart of a fit man, and his body will soon match.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Don't be an ....

On my wall at work you will find from time to time quotes or sayings I have found to be profound or just truth.

Currently one say this:

 ASKHOLE – A person who constantly asks your advice , yet does the opposite of what you told them.

Now that being said I feel like an askhole in my life sometimes. You see when I finally reach my breaking point I have come to recognize the need for help.  Once I receive the help I am good to go for a while because it is easy to take direction when you feel your back against a wall and you don’t know which way to go.

Here in lies the problem, after I take the advice for a while, life gets a little better. Then something in my head says maybe we can go back to the way I was doing it before, things are better now.
Now if you’re paying attention you just got smacked with a boat load of crazy talk. Insanity in fact. You can define insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
So I’m going to take your good advice fix myself up, and then I’m going to go back to my  same old insane plan and expect that I can now manage it without following your direction, or better yet I’ll tweak your advice so it is more comfortable to me.

If you are reading this and thinking OMG… that’s me. Repeat after me. Hi, My name is ….. and I am an askhole. You see there is power in owning your personal shortcomings, because once I put them out there I can never take them back and now you all know. Now you all can help hold me accountable.

I've come to wonder if there really is such a thing as a plateau. I am starting to believe that you are either moving forward or moving back. Standing still just doesn't seem possible when I look at it.

Lets take my health.  Lost a bunch of weight following directions. Stopped losing weight, not the directions fault, mine, I stopped moving forward. I stopped following directions like I was supposed to and I started tweaking a plan that needed nor could it afford tweaks at this point.  I told myself it was a plateau but it wasn't it was just me moving backwards. So to not be an askhole I need to adjust my question.  I need to keep working on and figuring out how to accept what I cannot change. 

I've got big goals and I cannot afford to leave it up to me to figure out how to get there.

I’m not going to share these goals just yet because I need to ask for some help to set realistic attainable goals, using the direction I have been given.