Monday, June 15, 2015

Sink, Tread, Swim

The best treatment for a slump is a plan. Without a plan you are just treading water and nothing gets accomplished.

But first I seem to have to thoroughly wallow in my slump and usually press my self in a little deeper before I realize I am just sinking.

First I need to stop and assess the problem. Well that usually ranges from a simple to complex anyone's guess. None the less figuring out what the problem is imperative.

This time I  got tired, emotionally, physically, and somewhat spiritually.  This makes for a volatile cocktail in a guy with anxiety and depression. I was doing the best I felt I could and it just didn't seem good enough.

Friday just made for a compilation of crappiness. I thought Friday I'm going to do better I'm going to turn this around. Saturday I thought what's the point you've probably reached the best your going to get. Sunday I just felt crappy for Saturday, and today started with I'll start tomorrow. Midday I was able to begin pulling myself out of it.

Stopped myself from completely blowing it calorie wise.

Started getting my thoughts in place. Pulling together all the information that has been given to me. I have the tools I just have to get back to work. I can do this! I will do this! I will not do this alone! I have all of you reading this.

So here I am yet again, I rolled off the wagon. But I want to get back on and I am.

I wrote this to let you all, my support, where I am at. But more importantly if you fall in the same trap I did know this 1) You are not alone. 2) Worry less about what you did and more about what you will do.