Have you seen that guy that used to hang around here. You know the one who was motivated and dedicated. I think he lost like 65 pounds. I even hear he ran a half marathon and didn't die! I seem to have lost him recently. I can say lost because I intend to find him again. We will be reunited.
It's seems to be about balance making it all work together without neglecting one thing to take care of the other.
Let me go back though, some of you who started with me may have missed a few pages because I have not been blogging as I should be because it helps keep me honest and accountable. Thanks for sticking in there with me. When we left off I was down to 250 pounds and I was feeling great, excited. I was looking at new clothes, feeling good about myself. I looked in the mirror and felt proud of what I had accomplished. Well let me clue you in I weighed in today at 254.8 back up those 5 pounds I struggled so hard to get. I could give you a thousand reasons why but none of them matter they are just excuses and justifications. I let this get me pretty down recently as I've known for about a month my weight started creeping back up. I even weighed in and "forgot" to write my highest weight down because I was too ashamed to see it. I made that confession tonight after weighing in accountably. I am back down a pound. Long story short I was not accountable about my eating and logging my food. It's not even so much about counting the calories as it is knowing and acknowledging what I am putting in my body, or how much of it I am putting in. It’s time to get back on track and set some new goals. I want to buy some new summer clothes in a smaller size. Maybe even a new Hawaiian shirt! LOL. I will no longer feel sorry for myself. It has gotten me nowhere in the last 3 weeks. Feel free to ask me how it’s going and if I logged today, it seems I need a little of that right now. I have always been most successful when I take friends on this journey. My bootcamp family is awesome at this but sometimes I'm not so awesome at telling them what I need because. I feel selfish, or like a year into this I should know better and not need that. Maybe I should and am but what matters is that those thoughts don't matter. I hate being accountable and transparent. I've said It before and I'll probably say it again it makes me feel weak and vulnerable. I tell my clients that's okay all of the time, so here's a taste of my own medicine.
Now some of you may be wondering how that half marathon thing went. Well let me tell you I was never so happy to be done something. That last 2 miles really sucked. But I completed 13.1 miles with no walking. I finished in 2 hours and 26 minutes for an average pace of 11:11 per mile. Not bad for this guy at all. May 2, 2015 I completed that challenge. I got up at 4:30 to get on a bus at 5:15. I threw up in the bathrooms on Assateague Island. Then proudly walked up the sand dune and watched the sun finish rising over the ocean. Isn't it amazing what God has made? Then I joined many in my bootcamp family and we did that run, and we each made it our own. Each their own goals and reasons, but somewhat still belonging to a bigger picture that day. Sharing a purpose sharing a goal. And we celebrated with each other. I was privileged enough to travel with four friends. two who helped start this journey (Thanks again Colin and Amy) and two friends who decided to come along run a 5k and support me in my journey(Thanks Greg and Steph) It all I had to push that last 1/4 but I heard my buddies voice and then I say my beautiful supportive wife smiling cheering me home. I pushed through that finish line. I fell into her arms and then I wanted to DIE! But that medal was beautiful and it will always symbolize overcoming and pushing past what seems possible. As I muddled through the crowded finish line Two boot camp “sisters” I won’t call them moms cause their not that old, found me and helped keep me moving until I was well on my own. I then enjoyed a day and a half vacation with my friend and wife.
Some of you may be reading this and are new to bootcamp. Save yourself some time and energy. There is a recipe that works, but you have to be willing. I go through times where I’m super willing and then times where I backpedal. If I’m not working towards something I start going backwards and I’ve come too far to return from where I came. I got rid of those clothes so I can’t just put them back on. If I can help you in anyway let me know. I’ll share with you anything I’ve been given, because I have been super successful, but I still have a long way to go.
My goals are to get back to tracking my food.
Be conscious about meal prep and planning.
Make sure I make it
to 2 boot camps a week and get in at least 2 runs a week.
That’s all for now, “thanks for the ear (or eyes in this