I know I may have some of you a bit confused, and others of
you already get what I am talking about.
I haven’t written for a bit just because I have felt
uninspired. So a quick catch up.
First I did not achieve 250 lbs. by the New Year’s. But I did
manage not to gain any weight which will suffice for a victory in itself. I did however reengage my diet by going back
to logging my food. My first week I was able to lose almost 6 pounds, the
second week plateau but I can learn to accept that there will be those weeks.
The fact remains though I am closer to my goal then I have ever been. I don’t remember
the last time I was this size. I use the LoseIt app for my smart phone to track
daily intake of food and nutrition. In working with Gruver fitness that information
is then used to help me make better choices and be more informed about my own
habits. I really do hate logging my
food, but it has helped a lot. Yes there are still times when I want to just
throw caution to the wind and eat how I used to eat but in honest logging I
consider the numbers. This in no way means I have abandoned my favorite food. I
just consume less (usually). I have gone back to cutting out soda. I have snuck
a sip here or there. But almost completely out, which is a huge win for me. Consistency
is key. Consistency in eating, consistency in logging. Consistency in
accountability. I know if I don’t log someone is going to call me on it. I know
that my nutrition and my eating is how I lose my weight.
Now goal number two. As you may or may not know the relay
for February is out. But the Ocean City Half Marathon is in. On May 2, 2015 I
will complete a 272.1 mile long journey which will culminate in crossing the
Finish line. Up until yesterday the runs had been fairly painless, which I count
myself lucky for. Yesterday I ran miles and set 3 new personal records. 1) six
miles without stopping or slowing to a walk. 2) I did not throw up completing
this run. And 3) my time was 8 minutes shorter than the first time I ran 6
miles. (Throwing up took a few minutes,
and there was a few big **** hills on that first 6.)
I ran, felt good. I did stretch after and several times throughout
the day. Last night though my knees started to bother me. Man did they hurt all
night long too. There was no comfortable position.
BUT… I earned my pain. I ran 6 miles! My knees did not hurt
for no reason other than my weight. The weather no longer has a huge impact on
my body. Yes really cold and damp days I still feel it, but not like I used to.
I used to hear others who have earned
their aches and pains with age talk about the weather and their bodies. But
what was my excuse? I was obese. It hurts inside to say that but it is the
truth. I am still not a healthy weight but I am doing something to move in a
positive direction. My journey to 13.1
will have a lot more aches and pains I know that but my joys afterwards will be
in knowing I earned it. I earned it in pushing myself to new limits!
Climbing to greater heights! I come home from a run and I am
tired, but I can pick up my boys and swing them around and know that I left
them for an hour to insure I can give myself to them for a very long time to
come. Life is never guaranteed, but I
will no longer actively shorten my own life.
I am growing as a person. My life is better-rounded (not my
stomach). Someone asked me am I doing
this because of boot camp. The answer is
simply no I am doing this because I want to see what I can do. I started this
venture not believing that I could but I agreed to try because so many people believed
could. I have started to see what other could see that I could not. I am a
runner. WHOA did I just say that, yes, yes I did. I may not look like that guys
you see on the cover of runner’s world, but we’re a lot more alike on the
inside then the outside. Besides the
physical perks, running has allowed me to escape the rapid fire world of my own
brain. I can run and I can think clearly and work things out, or I can run and
just be in the run. I love to run with others, it is a great way to get to know
someone. I love pushing someone when they want to quit and two minutes later
experiencing them do the same for me.
In case you wanted to know 248.1 miles to go.