Monday, November 24, 2014

New goals

It’s been a while since I sat down to write and I just wanted to give you all an update on my journey.
If you read my last blog I shared with you that I was going to do a relay marathon in February. Well, things changed. No, I’m not backing out or making excuses. I have foregone that goal for a more intensive goal. I have registered and will run my first half marathon on May 2, 2015. Say What!? Yep you heard it here. My training regimen isn't changing from what it was it was, just go longer and will become more intense.  If you ask me how I’m, feeling about this, well that is a loaded question. I am excited and nervous all at once.

That being said Saturday was a big day for me. First I was able to run for 20 possibly 20 + minutes without needing to stop or walk. Second it was my longest run to date, 3.24 miles. That may not seem like much but considering the 5K I did in September was my longest to that point, and I haven’t done more than 2.6 since then, I was pretty excited. I made it possible with the help of some friends who took me out for my first “group run. ” Thanks again Colin and Amy. Thinking back they were such a perfect pair for me. Colin kept me distracted, and Amy kept me motivated.  I didn't have a chance to get too tired or “need” to walk. They even got out of bed on Saturday morning in 15 degrees to go with me.

My other goal is still a work in progress as well. I had an awesome weight loss 2 weeks ago but now have stalled myself again. I still struggle with being an emotional eater. That’s a big problem. I don’t eat as much or quite as terribly as I used to but it’s not what I should. Just follow directions Cory! I know I know! I have no good excuse only crappy rationalizations and justifications. I also give in quickly. One bad meal or day and I feel guilty and stop following those golden directions that will lead straight to my goal. Sometimes I have to wonder what is wrong with me.  I am my own worst enemy.

Thursday I will join several other boot campers for our own Thanksgiving turkey Trot. In the midst of writing this post I received my new goal . I was challenged to work on pacing myself and not walking the course at all. My response was that, while I sat here thinking of reasons why I couldn't do that all I could come up with were lame excuses and his message was received.

This Thanksgiving I am grateful for a new life, a healthier life. A journey and goals. People who believe in me even when I can't see to do so myself. And well so many, many more things. But that's another post.

Happy Thanksgiving!