Wednesday, September 24, 2014

10 lessons I'm working on

10 things I’m learning

1: Failure only occurs when you cease trying

2: Your best is good enough as long as you are really giving your best.

  • If your not, up your game. You deserve to give the best.

3: You are defined by what you can do not what you can’t.

4: One broken piece doesn’t necessarily mean the whole thing is broken.

5: Never compromise yourself to please someone else.

6: You are loved and you are lovable.

7: You are made of many wonderful parts, sometimes those parts work well together sometimes they don’t. It’s okay.

8: Embrace the people in your life who are there to help.

9: Don’t be afraid to show weakness.

  • Allowing others to see your weaknesses gives them a chance to support you.

10: Be honest about your chaos.

  • It’s how other know you need help.

I shared this list with my clients today. I teach what I live and I live what I teach. It’s not always easy being transparent. If you are reading this and know me, don’t worry I am okay. But life interacts with me in many ways and many venues and these lessons, all be it some are similar, each have their own place and meaning.

If you’re like me you may have noticed that sometimes there is this phenomenon that occurs when one part of your life is struggling, all of it begins to break down. Why is this? I used to believe and sometimes still struggle with the idea that if one part of life is struggling or weak that must mean that all of me must be weak or defective, broken. But as I grow and learn I realize that that does not have to be the case at all.  There may even be times where the adversity in my life has nothing to do with me. Imagine that, the entire world does not rest on my shoulders!

Now I mentioned my faith early on in this blog and sometimes it doesn’t show up all that much. But I am coming to realize that I am a perfectly broken individual.  God has allowed me to be as I am so that I can learn to rely greater on him. If I want to change something and I have tried over and over again to do the same thing, use my own will, and I expect that the results are ever going to change well that is pretty close to the definition of insanity. But God comes in.  Instead of basing change upon my own will power, allowing my strength to be rooted in the power of Christ’s spirit and allowing myself to be changed day by day.  God will never change me for the worse.


For those of you who are following along on my journey to a more physically healthy guy there is some news on this front too.

First, September 6th, 2014 I completed my first 5K!

Second, as of today I have lost 43 pounds, it was a little more but I recently put back on 2 pounds and for a  while I was rather complacent with my nutritional guidelines and my weight didn’t go up but it stopped going down.

As life has gotten more hectic at times I have found myself using it as an excuse to not make it to bootcamp or to not get out and do something physical. Maybe you have been there too?

I was reminded by one of the many great people God has put in my life that I deserve better. I deserve to keep getting healthier. I deserve to keep losing weight and keep getting smaller. I deserve to lesson that chance that one of the many life changing disease that may run in my family will take me captive. I deserve to keep looking in the mirror and seeing less and less of myself.  My friends in the recovery community say it well. Don’t quit before the miracle has a chance happen.

I am recommitting myself to logging my food and being responsible about what foods I put in my mouth.

I will attend my bootcamp session. They make me feel good about myself, and I get to spend an hour a day with some awesome people who want absolutely nothing from me. I will take this time for myself.

I will find a way to be active at least two more times a week, even if it is inconvenient.

I will not quit, and I will dump my excuses.

If you see me along the way call me out, ask me how I’m doing. It helps me out.

